Michael Booth
CategoryThe €5,000 super mongrel
Is there a more polarising foodstuff in the world than truffles? Depending on who you talk to, they are either some kind of food lover’s t..
Doing Without Delia – Hot off the presses and clogging up stores
Oh frabjus day! Calloo callay! The paperback of my memoir of my time training to be a chef in Paris and working in a couple of the city’s..
What the critics say…
‘Sushi and Beyond – What the Japanese Know About Food’ (Jonathan Cape)
‘Booth is one of the sharpest food writers around, and this is essen..The world’s greatest chef, and Ferran Adrià
That is a joke, I hasten to add. In truth I turned into a complete jelly upon being introduced to the maestro of El Bulli and I think the ..