CategoryWasabi – home grown
I couldn't believe my eyes. I was wandering around my local garden centre looking for tomato plants when I spotted a familiar shaped plan..
Tokyo Michelin stars
Though my loyalties are rather torn here, the news today that Tokyo now not only has more Michelin stars than Paris, but more of the walle..
DeNiro and Pacino top ten
I know it's a little off message for a food blog, but I did enjoy this. And the seventh, and best, top ten is at least about food. What do..
Michael Booth Bespoke Gourmet Tours: Japan
For more details contact: ulrikaemergency@hotmail.com
Michael is now offering Japanese food it..
… to Hayden and Christine, the romantic leads in my Paris cooking memoir, Sacré Cordon Bleu. In the book I describe the early days of th..
New Two-Book Deal!!!!!!!!!!!
While I try to figure out this blogging lark, I may as well plead ignorant to blog protocol/any common sense of modesty and big myself u..
First catch your snake…
I couldn’t quite believe what I was seeing. Just a few metres from our house, in broad daylight, seemingly without a care in the world was..
Thank goodness for that nice Mr Brown.
The other day I sat next to an American woman at lunch. It was quite a lavish lunch and I made some kind of lame, ‘Cuh! Recession, what re..
What the critics say…
‘Sushi and Beyond – What the Japanese Know About Food’ (Jonathan Cape)
‘Booth is one of the sharpest food writers around, and this is essen..